I Prepared these Savoury Muffins with Carrot, Cabbage, corriander leaves. I used Wheat Flour and Oats Flour, all these put together and baked without oil tasted really good. The Guilt part was the Egg Yolks. Next time i should try substituting Eggs with Flax seeds. I added finely sliced Green Chilli's and Red Chilli Flakes to add up the spice. It really helped the muffins taste better than bland taste. These Muffins just tasted like Whole Wheat Bread, this reminds me that i should start baking Breads...

Whole Wheat Savoury Muffins


(Yields 8 Large Muffins)

Wheat Flour - 400 gms
Oat Flour - 75 gms
Salt - 1 tbsp
Baking Powder - 1 tsp
Baking Soda - 1 tsp

Grated Carrot - 3 tbsp
Grated Cabbage - 4 tbsp
Green Chilli - 1 (finely sliced)
Red Chilli Flakes - 2 tsp
Corriander Leaves - 2 tbsp's (finely chopped)

Whole Large Egg's - 2
Buttermilk - 1/2 cup


Pre-Heat the Oven to 220C.

Mix the Wheat Flour with Oats Flour. add salt, baking soda and baking powder. Mix well with your hands.

Remember : Never Sieve/Sift the Wheat Flour. The Nutrients are lost when sieved.

Now add Grated Carrot, Cabbage, Green Chilli, Red Chilli Flakes & Corriander Leaves to the flours and mix well.

Beat the Egg and add it to the flour. mix with a wooden spoon.

Add Buttermilk to the flour and mix well with the spoon. I kept mixing with hands. It should be like our little watery chapathi dough.

Grease the Muffin Pan and spoon in the dough into the moulds.

Bake it for about 20 minutes at 220c. and check whether it has cooked by inserting a toothpick or knife in centre of the muffins and comes out clean. If Not cooked bake them for another 5 minutes.

Enjoy the Muffins Warm!!

Healthy Savoury Muffin

How it Tasted?

Muffins did'nt taste bland, as the red chilli flakes and finely chopped green chilli helped a lot in adding spice. Muffins tasted like a spiced whole wheat bread. i could not even spot the Oat flour.
Cabbage and Carrot gave a different touch to the muffins. for me it tasted like a bonda:)

Finally these No Oil Muffins tasted Good.

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