Mango Season is almost getting over. Along with Mangoes, memories related to mango also makes the season special to me.  Eating Mangoes along with my Grandparents and going back to school after lunch with mango juice strains on uniform. I will be guarding the mango tree at my grandparents house during season. as childrens passing by will throw stones to get mangoes. also we save mangoes from monkeys with a big stick. iam very much missing my childhood days rather than mangoes..

Mango Phirni

Yesterday when i discovered phirni, i wanted to try it. its an instant dessert recipe i tell you. and the best for the laziest cook like me. it tasted yummy, finally it was a perfect idea to use the ripe mango.


Beaten Rice Flakes / Aval / Poha - 3/4 cup
Milk - 2 cup's
Sugar - 5 tbsp ( increase if you want phirni more sweeter)
Corn Flour - 1 tbsp ( dissolve the corn flour in 2 tsp's of cold milk)
Mango Puree - 1 cup (Puree of 1 Ripe Mango)


Dry Fry the Poha till it turns crisper. it just takes less than a minute.

Let the Poha cool and blend in a mixer to coarse powder. keep aside.

Boil the Milk in a pan. on boiling, slow the flame and add the Ground Poha, Sugar and Corn flour-Milk mixture. Mix well so that no lumps are formed. Boil for a minute on slow flame till the phirni becomes little thick.

Cool the Phirni and mix with Mango Puree.

Serve the Mango Phirni with mango pieces on top.

How i served is, first i spooned in plain phirni on the serving bowl, then the second layer is mango puree and the third layer is mango phirni. serve with chopped badam or pistachios on top or with mango pieces. Remember to chill the phirni before serving.

Aam Phirni


* Phirni can also be done with basmati rice. but i tell you, with poha its just instant and tasty.

* Aval or Poha should be very thin for making this phirni.

* Prepare plain phirni and serve with cut fruits like apple, pomegranate, chickoo.

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